Acecast #010. 28 December 2005.
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Acecast #010 Dec 2005 (MP3, 112Kbps, 28.5MB, 35m:29s).
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Acecast and Marvin Suicide open some MP3s and port for yuletide.

© MC Lady Sovereign,
Master of Yule-Ceremonies.
A midwinter treat this time from Marvin Suicide and Acecast DJ Hal. I tracked down a list of 30 or so tunes and Marvin cut the list down to Yule-size for the second Acecast hook-up with Maverick-Marvin. What more could you want for a late Christmas gift?
This first Acecast/Marvin Suicide Christmas spectacular contains strong language and fortified wine, burps, noise, electronic music, a new version of an old new-romantic track, folk and grime.
No stuffing, just a fine list of alternative crimbo-songs.
External credits.
T-Polar found via the hyperactive Gutterbreakz.
Production notes.
No idea what kit Marvin was using for the final mix; but my voice parts were recorded on my trusty MXL V67 condenser microphone via a Behringer UB802 mixer.
All tracks played are free and legal downloads and were available at the time of production of the podcast. All tracks are copyright the artists and their record labels/music publishers.
Extended tracklisting for Acecast #010, 28 December 2005.
- Intermission (mp3) ( — T-Polar (aka Gary Spence)
- Abelmelan (mp3) — ( — T-Polar (aka Gary Spence)
- Ferry (mp3) ( — Diana Darby
- 14 Zero Zero (mp3) (Matador Records) — Console (Matador Records)
- Hats off 2 the Hatters (mp3) — Speedranch vs Jansky Noise (aka Paul Richard vs Andy Macgregor)
- Fade to Grey (mp3) — Teliaroboten
- Blah Blah Blah (Cadence Weapon remix) (mp3, Cadence’s site seems to be down at the moment, link coming as soon as his site is up again) — Lady Sovereign
- The Beamer (mp3) (OEbase) — Spacer aka Luke Gordon (Epitonic)
- Amen! A Neat Joint Anal Phase (mp3) — Speedranch vs Jansky Noise (aka Paul Richard vs Andy Macgregor)
Brief playlist for Acecast #010.
Initial post: Wed, 28 Dec 2005.
Thu, 29 Dec 2005
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